Monday, February 7, 2022

एमसिसीलाई नेपालमा विवादित बनाएका बुँदाहरूः अनि विदेशका एमसिसीमा कस्ता बुँदाहरू छन् त?


Objections and comparisons between MCC of other countries

एमसिसी के हो? (MCC in a nutshell)

विगतमा संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाले दिएको अनुदानको सही उपयोग भएन भनेर ९/११को आतङ्ककारी हमलापछि सन् २००२मा उसले आफ्नो अनुदानको स्वरूपमा फेरबदल गर्ने निर्णय गर्‍यो र सो अनुसार अब उसले अविकसित वा विकासशील देशहरूको पूर्वाधारका परियोजनाहरूमा ‘अधिकतम फलप्राप्ति’को उद्धेश्यलाई प्रमुख बनाएर मिलेनियम च्यालेन्ज कर्पोरेसन (एमसिसी)को गठन गर्‍यो। यसमा बीसवटाजति विभिन्न सूचकको अध्ययनपश्चात जनताका लागि लगानी गर्ने, विधिको शासन भएको तथा आर्थिक स्वतन्त्रता भएका देशहरू यस परियोजनामा प्राथमिकतामा पर्ने गर्दछन्। यस एमसिसीमार्फत विश्वका दर्जनौँ देशहरूले अनुदान लिएर पूर्वाधारमा काम गरिरहेका छन् भने मंगोलियालगायत केहीले त पहिलो कम्प्याक्ट सफलतापूर्वक पुरा गरेर दोस्रो कम्प्याक्ट अनुदान प्राप्त गर्न पनि सफल भइसकेका छन्। हो, केही देशको आन्तरिक राजनीतिको कारण अनि केही देशको ‘इन्डिकेटर’मा क्षय भएर अमेरिकाले नै हात झिकेका कारण केही देशबाट यो एमसिसी परियोजना फिर्ता गएको पनि छ।

नेपाल पनि बल्ल सन् २०११ हाराहारी एमसिसीको “अनुदान पाउन योग्य” मूलुकमा दरिन सफल भयो र २०१२मा नेपाल यो प्रकृयामा सामेल भयो। विभिन्न समयमा विभिन्न दलका सरकार र कर्मचारी संयन्त्रले यसलाई अझ परिपक्व बनाउँदै अघि बढाउँदै आए। यसै परिप्रेक्षमा सन् २०१७मा अर्थमन्त्री ज्ञानेन्द्र बहादुर कार्कीले यस मिलेनियम कम्प्याक्टमा हस्ताक्षर गरे। र त्यसै सम्झौताअनुरूप नेपालले त्यस सम्झौताका लागि आवश्यक संयन्त्र आफ्नै देशका उच्चपदस्थ कर्मचारीसम्मिलित ‘एमसिए नेपाल’ गठन गरेर काम अघि बढायो। उक्त
सम्झौतामा काठमाडौंको लप्सिफेदी देखि रातमाटे त्यहाँबाट दमौली हुँदै बुटवलसम्म सय १५ किलोमिटर लम्बाइको ४०० केभी प्रशारण लाइन निर्माण गर्ने परियोजनाको लागि उक्त सम्झौताको अनुसूची अनुसार ४० करोड डलरको व्यवस्था भने सडक बिस्तार तथा सुधार गर्न करोड डलर, बाँकी करोड डलर मूल्यांकन, प्रशासकीय खर्च आदिको लागि छुट्याइएको

हाल यस “एससिसी-कम्प्याक्ट नेपाल”नामक अमेरिकी अनुदानको सम्झौता त्यसै कम्प्याक्टको “संसदबाट पारित हुनुपर्दछ” भन्ने बुँदाको छिनोफानोपछिमात्र Project Implimentation Agreement मा जाने भएकाले समस्त कार्य अड्किएको छ र त्यसमै दह्रो राजनीति भइरहेको सबैले अनुभव गरेकै कुरा हो।

अँ, यसलाई अमेरिकाको सामरिक रणनीतिसँग पनि दाँज्ने गरिन्छ। हुन त यो पनि तथ्य हो कि इन्डो प्यासिफिक स्ट्राटेजी’ सन् २०१७ मा मात्र अमेरिकी परराष्ट्र मन्त्री पम्पेओमार्फत घोषणा भएको हो भने अमेरिकाले एमसिसी सम्झौतामा नेपालमा काम थालेको सन् २०११ मै हो।

यसबाहेक यो एमसिसीको विकास, नेपालमा विभिन्न दल र व्यक्तिहरूको धारणा, चीनको प्रत्यक्ष तथा अप्रत्यक्ष चासो र विरोधबारे निकै चर्चा भइसकेकाले ती बारे थप कुरा गर्न जरुरत नदेखेकाले यो एमसिसी कम्प्याक्टका ‘विवादास्पद’ भनिएका केही बुँदाहरूमा केन्द्रित हुन चाहन्छु। हुन त मंगोलियाले एमसिसी कम्प्याक्ट लिने निर्णय गर्ने बेलामा तीनतर्फबाट चीनबाट घेरिएको अनि लगभग हामी भारतमा निर्भर रहेजस्तै चीनमा निर्भर रहेको मंगोलियालाई नाकाबन्दी गर्न पनि पछि नपरेको घटनाको स्मरण यो हाम्रो "असल" छिमेकीको "कमसल खेल"को दरीलो उदाहरण हुने नै छ। भलै यसकालागि दलाई लामाको मंगोलिया भ्रमणलाई "दोष" थोप्न किन नसकियोस् र!

नेपालको एमसिसी कम्प्याक्टमा मात्र त्यस्ता “आपत्तिजनक” बुँदाहरू परेका हुन् त? के ती अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय कानूनअनुसार अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय ऋण-अनुदानका बखत गरिने दुईपक्षीय सम्झौताको ‘साधारण फर्म्याट’ नभएर अमेरिकाले नेपाललाई भड्खालामा पार्ने विषेश प्रावधानहरू "थपेको" नै हो त? यसबारे आउनुस् नेपालमा जत्तिकै आफ्नो देशलाई माया गर्ने ‘देशप्रेमी’ भएका मंगोलिया र घानाको एमसिसी कम्प्याक्टका ती “आपत्तिजनक” बुँदाहरू दाँजेर हेरौँ त! पढ्ने कोसिस गरौँ त! 

के थाहा, तिनका देशमा आफ्ना जनताहरूलाई सुसूचित गराउने देशप्रेमी नेता तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सम्झौताबारे एकरत्ति थाहा नभएका तर थाहा छ भन्ने सोच भएका विज्ञहरूको चरम अभावका कारण मंगोलिया वा घानाजस्ता देशहरूले सम्झौतामा "नपढीकनै" हस्ताक्षर पो गरे कि? 

1. Intelectual property (यस परियोजना लागु गर्दा बन्न आउने बौद्धिक सम्पतिको हकबारे)

            Ghana 3.2(f) The Government grants to MCC a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, fully paid, assignable right and license to practice or have practiced on its behalf (including the right to produce, reproduce, publish, repurpose, use, store, modify, or make available) any portion or portions of Intellectual Property as MCC sees fit in any medium, now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose whatsoever.

            Nepal 3.2(f) The Government grants to MCC a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, fully paid, assignable right and license to practice or have practiced on its behalf (including the right to produce, reproduce, publish, repurpose, use, store, modify, or make available) any portion or portions of Intellectual Property as MCC sees fit in any medium, now known or hereafter developed, for any purpose whatsoever.

2.  Auditing (लेखा परिक्षण कसले गर्ने?)

            Ghana 3.8(a) Government Audits. Except as the Parties may agree otherwise in writing, the Government will, on an annual basis (or on a more frequent basis if requested by MCC in writing), conduct, or cause to be conducted, financial audits of all disbursements of MCC Funding covering the period from signing of this Compact until the following December 31 and covering each twelve-month period thereafter ending December 31, through the end of the Compact Term. In addition, upon MCC’s request, the Government will ensure that such audits are conducted by an independent auditor approved by MCC and named on the list of local auditors approved by the Inspector General or a United States–based certified public accounting firm selected in accordance with MCC’s Guidelines for Financial Audits Contracted by the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Accountable Entities issued and revised from time to time by the Inspector General (the “Audit Guidelines”). Audits will be performed in accordance with the Audit Guidelines and be subject to quality assurance oversight by the Inspector General. Each audit must be completed and the audit report delivered to MCC no later than ninety (90) days after the applicable audit period, or such other period as the Parties may otherwise agree in writing.

            Nepal: 3.8(a) Government Audits. Except as the Parties may agree otherwise in writing, the Government will, on at least a semi-annual basis, conduct, or cause to be conducted, financial audits of all disbursements of MCC Funding covering the period from signing of this Compact until the earlier of the following September 30 or March 31 and covering each six-month period thereafter ending September 30 and March 31, through the end of the Compact Term. In addition, upon MCC’s request, the Government will ensure that such audits are conducted by an 8 independent auditor approved by MCC and named on the list of local auditors approved by the Inspector General or a United States–based certified public accounting firm selected in accordance with MCC’s Guidelines for Financial Audits Contracted by the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Accountable Entities issued and revised from time to time by the Inspector General (the “Audit Guidelines”). Audits will be performed in accordance with the Audit Guidelines and be subject to quality assurance oversight by the Inspector General. Each audit must be completed and the audit report delivered to MCC no later than 90 days after the applicable audit period, or such other period as the Parties may otherwise agree in writing. The requirements of this Section 3.8(a) do not preclude the Office of the Auditor General of Nepal from conducting audits of MCA-Nepal

            Mongolia: 3.8(a) Government Audits. Except as the Parties may agree otherwise in writing, the Government shall, on at least a semi-annual basis, conduct, or cause to be conducted, financial audits of all disbursements of MCC Funding and the Government Contribution covering the period from signing of this Compact until the earlier of the following March 31 or September 30 and covering each six-month period thereafter ending March 31 or September 30, through the end of the Compact Term. In addition, upon MCC’s request, the Government shall ensure that such audits are conducted by an independent auditor approved by MCC and selected in accordance with MCC’s Guidelines for Financial Audits Contracted by the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Accountable Entities (the “Audit Guidelines”). Audits shall be performed in accordance with such Audit Guidelines. Each audit must be completed and the audit report delivered to MCC no later than 90 days after the applicable audit period, or such other period as the Parties may otherwise agree in writing. Any changes to the period to be audited shall be included in an audit plan developed and implemented by MCA-Mongolia in accordance with Audit Guidelines and Program Implementation Agreement and as approved by MCC (the “Audit Plan”).

3. Termination of contract (कसले परियोजना रद्द गर्न सक्नेछ?)

            Nepal: 5.1 Termination; Suspension. (a) Either Party may terminate this Compact without cause in its entirety by giving the other Party 30 days’ prior written notice. MCC may also terminate this Compact or MCC Funding without cause in part by giving the Government 30 days’ prior written notice. (b) MCC may, immediately, upon written notice to the Government, suspend or terminate this Compact or MCC Funding, in whole or in part, and any obligation related thereto, if MCC determines that any circumstance identified by MCC, as a basis for suspension or termination (as notified to the Government in writing) has occurred,

            Ghana: 5.1 Termination; Suspension. (a) Either Party may terminate this Compact without cause in its entirety by giving the other Party thirty (30) days’ prior written notice. MCC may also terminate this Compact or MCC Funding without cause in part by giving the Government thirty (30) days’ prior written notice. (b) MCC may, immediately, upon written notice to the Government, suspend or terminate this Compact or MCC Funding, in whole or in part, and any obligation related thereto, if MCC determines that any circumstance identified by MCC, as a basis for suspension or termination (as notified to the Government in writing) has occurred,

            Mongolia: 5.1 Termination; Suspension. (a) Either Party may terminate this Compact without cause in its entirety by giving the other Party thirty (30) days’ prior written notice. MCC may also terminate this Compact or MCC Funding without cause in part by giving the Government thirty (30) days’ prior written notice. (b) MCC may, immediately, upon written notice to the Government, suspend or terminate this Compact or MCC Funding, in whole or in part, and any obligation related thereto, if MCC determines that any circumstance identified by MCC as a basis for suspension or termination (as notified to the Government in writing) has occurred,

4. Which law prevails, local or international? (घरेलु कानूनभन्दा माथि हुन्छ र वैदेशिक अनुदान?)

            Nepal: 7.1 Domestic Requirements. The Government will proceed in a timely manner to complete all of its domestic requirements for this Compact to enter into force. The Parties understand that this Compact, upon entry into force, will prevail over the domestic laws of Nepal. 

            Mongolia: 7.1 Domestic Procedures. The Government agrees to proceed in a timely manner to complete all of its domestic requirements for this Compact to enter into force. This Compact, upon entry into force, shall prevail over the domestic laws of Mongolia, as a matter of Mongolian domestic law. The Parties understand that, consistent with Mongolian law, prior to the Government sending the letter described in Section 7.3, this Compact is to be submitted to and approved by the State Great Khural (Parliament of Mongolia).

            Ghana: 7.1 International Agreement . The Government will proceed in a timely manner to complete all of its domestic requirements for this Compact to enter into force. The Parties understand that this Compact and the PIA, upon entry into force, will prevail over the domestic laws of Ghana.

5. Parliamentary ratification (संसदबाट अनुमोदन गराउने बुँदा)

            Nepal: 7.2 Conditions Precedent to Entry into Force. Before this Compact enters into force: (a) the Program Implementation Agreement must have been signed by the parties thereto; (b) The Government must have delivered to MCC: (i) a letter signed and dated by the Principal Representative of the Government, or such other duly authorized representative of the Government acceptable to 14 MCC, confirming that the Government has completed its domestic requirements necessary for this Compact to enter into force and that the other conditions precedent to entry into force in this Section 7.2 have been met;

            Mongolia: 7.2 Conditions Precedent to Entry into Force. Each of the following conditions must be fulfilled, in each case to the satisfaction of MCC, before this Compact enters into force: (a) the Program Implementation Agreement is signed by the parties thereto; 14 (b) The Government delivers to MCC: (i) a letter signed and dated by the Principal Representative of the Government, or such other duly authorized representative of the Government acceptable to MCC, confirming that the Government has completed its domestic requirements necessary for this Compact to enter into force and that the other conditions precedent to entry into force in this Section 7.2 have been met;

            Ghana: 7.2 Conditions Precedent to Entry into Force. Before this Compact enters into force: (a) the Program Implementation Agreement must have been signed by the parties thereto; (b) The Government must have delivered to MCC: (i) a letter signed and dated by the Principal Representative of the Government, or such other duly authorized representative of the Government acceptable to MCC, confirming that the Government has completed its domestic requirements necessary for this Compact to enter into force and that the other conditions precedent to entry into force in this Section 7.2 have been met; 14 (ii) a signed legal opinion from the Attorney General of Ghana (or such other legal representative of the Government acceptable to MCC), in form and substance satisfactory to MCC;

6. Approval from MCC for designating government officials (Annex 1c) (सरकारी कर्मचारी खटाउनु परे एमसिसीको स्विकृति चाहिनेबारे)

            Nepal: 1c2. Project Partners. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Compact, the Program Implementation Agreement and any other related agreement entered into in connection with this Compact, the Government may engage one or more entities of the Government to assist with implementation and carry out any Project or Activity (or a component thereof) under this Compact (each, a “Project Partner”). The appointment of any Project Partner will be subject to review and approval by MCC. The Government will ensure that the roles and responsibilities of each Project Partner and other appropriate terms are set forth in an agreement, in form and substance satisfactory to MCC (each a “Project Cooperation Agreement”).

            Ghana: 1c2. Implementing Entities. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Compact, the Program Implementation Agreement and any other related agreement entered into in connection with this Compact, as noted above the Government intends to engage several entities of the Government to implement and carry out specified Activities (or a component thereof) under this Compact (each, an “Implementing Entity”). The appointment of any Implementing Entity will be subject to review and approval by MCC. The Government will ensure that the roles and responsibilities of each Implementing Entity and other appropriate terms are set forth in an agreement, in form and substance satisfactory to MCC (each an “Implementing Entity Agreement”).

            Mongolia: 1c2. Implementing Entities. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Compact, the Program Implementation Agreement, and any other related agreement entered into in connection with this Compact, the Government may engage one or more entities of the Government to assist with implementing any Project or Activity (or a component thereof) (each, an “Implementing Entity”). The appointment of any Implementing Entity shall be subject to review and approval by MCC. The Government shall ensure that the roles and responsibilities of each Implementing Entity and other appropriate terms are set forth in an agreement, in form and substance satisfactory to MCC (each an “Implementing Entity Agreement”).

7.  Why Approval from India? (Annex 5a) (किन नेपालको एमसिसीमा भारतको स्विकृति आवश्यक भयो?)

(a) The Government must have submitted a plan, in form and substance acceptable to MCC, and consented to by the governments of India, memorializing (i) key financial and technical terms for the construction of the New Butwal-Gorakhpur cross-border transmission line, and (ii) operational principles for the New Butwal-Gorakhpur cross-border transmission line;

उक्त सम्झौताको अनुसूची १ को दोश्रो खण्डको दफा १(क) मा प्रष्टसँग बुटवलबाट नेपाल–भारत प्रशारण लाइन पनि निर्माण हुने कुरा उल्लेख छ । हालै नेपाल विद्युत प्राधिकरणले भारतको पावर ग्रिड कर्पोरेशनसँग बुटवलदेखि भारतको गोरखपुरसम्म १ सय ३५ किलोमिटर लम्बाइको चारसय केभी प्रशारण लाइन निर्माण गर्ने सम्झौता सम्पन्न गरिसकेकोछ। यसबाट प्रष्ट हुन्छ कि एमसीसीको प्रशारण लाइन परियोजना नेपालको बिजुली भारत निकासी गर्न पूर्वाधार निर्माण गर्न हो।

As Nepal already said that future plan of this project is for electricity trading to and through India. Every Grant provider wants to be sure about feasibility and viability of proposed project. Here we submitted our document with one of the objectives of that transmission line is for international power trading through new Butawal- Gorakhpur transmission line. हामीले नै यो योजनाबाट हाम्रो लक्ष यस्तो छ भनेर तेस्रो पक्षको संलग्नता देखाएपछि दाताले त्यो तेस्रो पक्षसँग पनि सोध्नु पर्छ भनेर भन्छ कि भन्दैन? यहाँ त्यही भनेको हो।

सडक सुधारको बुँदा (यो एमसिसीको एउटा अर्को परियोजना बुटवलपश्चिमको राजमार्गको स्तरोन्नति पनि हो है) मा यस्तो पुर्वस्विकृति मागिएको छैन।

अँ, फेरि भनिन्छ कि संविधानमा यस्तो सन्धि वा सम्झौताको व्यवस्था नै छैन। विज्ञहरूअनुसार ‘२०७२ सालमा जारी गरिएको संविधानको धारा २७९ को उपधारा (२) मा निम्न विषयहरुमा गरिएका सन्धि वा सम्झौताहरुको मात्र संसदले अनुमोदन गर्नुपर्ने व्यवस्था छः

(क) शान्ति र मैत्री

(ख) सुरक्षा एवं सामरिक सम्बन्ध

(ग) नेपाल राज्यको सीमाना 

(घ) प्राकृतिक श्रोत तथा त्यसको उपयोगको बाँडफाँड

यहाँ एकजना स्वनामधन्य विज्ञले “मात्र” शव्दको दूरुपयोग गर्नु भएकाले यसलाई यहाँ उल्लेख गरेको छु। यी विषयमा कुनै सन्धि सम्झौता गर्ने हो भने संघीय संसदको दुवै सदनमा तत्काल कायम रहेका सम्पूर्ण सदस्य संख्याको दुई-तिहाइँ बहुमतले पारित गर्नु पर्दछ। तर त्यही नेपालको संविधान २०७२को त्यही उपधारमा (२)मा अगाडि भनिएको छ “तर खण्ड (क) र (घ)मा उल्लेखित विषयाका सन्धि वा सम्झौता मध्ये राष्ट्रलाई व्यापक, गम्भीर वा दीर्घकालीन असर नपर्ने साधारण प्रकृतिका सन्धि वा सम्झौताको अनुमोदन, सम्मिलन, स्विकृति वा समर्थन प्रतिनिधि सभाको बैठकमा उपस्थित सदस्यहरूको साधारण बहुमतबाट हुन सक्नेछ।‘ र, यो एमसिसी यस्तै साधारण बहुमतबाट अनुमोदन हुने सम्झौता हो। संविधानले पनि कुनैबेला यस्तो अनुमोदन आवश्यक पर्न सक्ने ठानेको बुझिन्छ नै। अर्को हिसाबले यो संसदीय अनुमोदन हाम्रो जस्तो हरबखत बोली र सत्ता फेरिरहने दलहरूका लागि अलिक वाध्यात्मक र अपनत्व ग्रहण पनि गरुन् भनेर नेपालमार्फत नै राख्न लगाइएको बुँदा भएकाले त्यत्तिको आपत्ति जनाउने विषय देखिन्न नै।


हुन त कसै कसैलाई लाग्ला, किन घाना वा मंगोलियाका सम्झौताहरूसँग नै दाँजेको? यसमा पनि कोहीले 'कन्स्पिरेसी' देख्नु होला। मंगोलिया चैँ हामीजस्तै चीनको छिमेकी अनि एमसिसीमा चीनको प्रत्यक्ष विरोधका बावजुद पहिलो एमसिसी कम्प्याक्ट पुरा गरेर दोस्रो कम्प्याक्ट पनि लिन सफल भएको देश भएर हो भने घाना यत्तिकै छानिएको हो। वेभसाइटमा दर्जनौँ कम्प्याक्टका सम्झौताहरू छन्, इच्छुकहरूले अन्य एमसिसीमार्फत अनुदान प्राप्त गरेका देशसँग गरिएका सम्झौतासँग दाँजेर हेर्न सक्नु हुन्छ नै। यो ब्लगमा सबैसँग दाँज्दै लेख्न सम्भव भएन। यसै सन्दर्भमा हिजो राजीव धिमिरेजीले फेसबुकमा कमेन्टमार्फत पठाउनु भएको केही देशसँग भएको सम्झौताका प्रावधानहरू यहाँ राख्न मन लाग्यो।

बाँकि रह्यो Project Implimentation Agreement को कुरो। यो पनि सबै एमसिसी-अनुदान पाउने नेपाललगायत विश्वका देशहरूको Project Implimentation Agreement वेभसाइटमा उपलब्ध छ नै। तिनीहरूको पनि Comparison गरेर हेर्न सकिन्छ नै। पहिला विरोध गरिएका माथिका बुँदाहरूमा चित्त बुझे त्यसमा पनि गरौँला नै।

हामी बुद्दु छौँ

र त

बहादुर छौँ ! 

(वैधानिक प्रावधानः कृपया आँखा, अँग्रेजी र दिमाग कमजोर हुनेहरूले यो ब्लग पढेको खण्डमा वहाँहरूको स्वास्थ्यमा गम्भीर समस्या हुने सम्भावना भएको हुनाले निजहरूलाई यसबाट टाढै बस्न अनुरोध छ।)


  1. सरकार एमसीसी को एक स्थायी, अपरिवर्तनीय, रॉयल्टी-मुक्त, विश्वव्यापी, पूरी तरह से भुगतान, असाइन करने योग्य अधिकार और उसकी ओर से अभ्यास करने या अभ्यास करने का लाइसेंस प्रदान करती है (उत्पादन, पुनरुत्पादन, प्रकाशन, पुनर्प्रयोजन, उपयोग, स्टोर, संशोधित करने का अधिकार सहित) या उपलब्ध कराएं) बौद्धिक संपदा के किसी भी हिस्से या हिस्से के रूप में एमसीसी किसी भी उद्देश्य के लिए, अब ज्ञात या इसके बाद विकसित किसी भी माध्यम में उपयुक्त देखता है।

  2. हाइट! यी डाक्टरले कती सकेका हुन्? कहिले रेलका बारेमा भिड्छन्, कहिले MCC का बारेमा; प्राथमिक कुरा "UpToDate" त छदै छ होला l जे होस्, तुलनात्मक लेख बुझ्न खोज्नेका लागि धेरै जानकारीमुलक छ l

  3. From the day one, I met you in Kathmandu in 1989, Dr. R Koirala, I knew you have a very strong analytical mind. I loved reading your comments and analysis desperately trying to wakeup those who pretend to be in a deep sleep is a worthless effort. I laugh, when politician (dr.) with laud voice argue on these points projecting like it will be the end of Nepal, if we implement MCC, I feel so pity of him and them. Poverty is not just a condition of NO MONEY, we all know that. thank you for your effort! I always love to read you. Great job! Bishnu

  4. Very good information for open minded people, who really wants to know about MCC. Great Mr. Raamesh sir.
